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We Don't Doubt, We Don't Seek Direction. It wasn't that long ago that the name "R3" was virtually unknown within the Federation. Over the past nine years R3 has grown rapidly and last year made its mark by building its brand new headquarters in Manchester, the "R3 Building", alongside well known corporations such as Gamma Corp, Sirius Corp and the Foam Metals Corp, to mention but a few. Of course R3 is not the biggest or most affluent corporation, but what we provide is quality and reliability in the form of passenger and cargo freighter ships, an unprecedented universal transit and courier service and, most importantly, ships electronic and communications systems to the Federation. Some of our achievements in ship technology have been adopted by the Federal Navy, which is an indication of how highly our expertise is regarded in this field. We even have our own online journal keeping you up to date on current news and events, gathered from various sources throughout the Federal Elite Universe. The name was born back in 3293 when three individual companies formed to become the 'R3 Corporation.' The companies were MD Transpatial based in Altair (-2,1), Koord Astro-Logistics from Bernard's Star System (0,0), and ECCC (Eta Cassiopeia Communications Company). After the decision to move it's base of operations to Eta Cassiopeia from Fort Robins on Discovery, Arcturus (-2,0), they invited two more experienced Corporate Directors onto the board and were joined by Admiral Domino and Commodore Chris Hutch, of Sirius Corp and L'Eagle Corp respectively. The R3 Corporation is always striving to reach new heights and excel in its production of ships and ships systems. Four years ago a breakthrough in remote technology saw them produce the NN500 'R.O.A.M' tracking system, which enabled the Federal Navy to launch their missiles with a 30% improved range capability and swapable in-flight target acquisition. Recent projects are aimed at scanner enhancements and sensor technology which is far in advance of what we are familiar with today. Any details of developments in research and/or technology will be published in due course. The Corporation
would like to introduce the C.E.O. and the board of Executive Directors.
Please read the sections below and meet the people responsible for the
day to day running or the R3 Corporation. |
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Full Name: Navy Rank: Home System: Ship: Elite Rating: Medals: |
Admiral M.D. Miketan needs no introduction. He is the high profile figurehead of MD Transpatial, the company which supplies StarCruiser with their "Astro-Liner" class passenger ships. Miketan was also the head of the Federal Elite Space-Marine Corps for 3 years before becoming the Commander in Chief of the Federal Intelligence Bureau (F.I.B.), a position he still fulfils for the Federal Military. As one of the longest serving Admirals in Federal History, Miketan's career as a Naval Officer is beyond reproach and his résuméhas to be read to be believed. Miketan as Chief Executive Officer for the R3 Corporation provides leadership at the highest level and is responsible for formulating overall Corporate strategy. Admiral Miketan oversees all operations within the R3 Corporation and he is the where the proverbial 'buck' stops! All other Executives & Directors are answerable to him and he has the outright power to hire and/or fire, ultimately! Miketan will ensure that the right decisions are made at the right time and always in the best interests of the R3 Corporation. Nobody else could be better placed to make those decisions. Background: |
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Chairman Chairman: Full
Name: Navy
Rank: Home
System: Ship: Elite
Rating: Medals: |
Admiral Domino is the newest addition to the R3 Corporation's board of executive directors. She is a fast moving high-flyer who has impressive qualities and has proven time and time again that her commitment to the task in hand is beyond reproach. Starting off as an assistant manager, in the R3 Corporation, working in administration she quickly showed great promise and was promoted to Administration Supervisor here at R3HQ. From there Domino applied for the vacancy of Junior Administration Director and was deservedly appointed soon afterwards. She then left the company to persue a naval career where she excelled at the Federal Naval Flight Academy. Then early last June the R3 Corporation's Chairman decided that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence and promptly resigned after being made an offer they could not refuse. This left the way open for a new Chairman and Domino applied for and successfully secured that position for herself, after a month long interview and elimination process. Domino, in her role as Chairman, is the co-ordinator of all activities within the R3 Corporation and all things go through her office however small or insignificant they may be. She also represents R3 Corporation's external interests, both in & out of Eta Cassiopeia, which entails attending functions, seminars, summit meetings with contemporary corporation's executives & officials, major company launches and of course to be the C.E.O's eyes, ears & voice in the areas where he cannot be himself. Admiral Domino's capabilities as a pilot are very impressive. She was the Head Flight Instructor at the Naval Academy here in Eta Cassiopeia for 3 years. The kind of skill and experience needed to attain this position can only be seen in a select few pilots throughout the Federation. Domino also has a keen interest in business and attended the University of Alioth, gaining two degrees in the process. She put these qualifications to good use and started her own aromatherapy clinic, called AromaDome, which has grown rapidly and now has establishments in over a dozen Federal star systems. As
the Chairman of the Corporation we have the greatest confidence that
Domino will excel in her duties. She has already drawn up a new export/import
plan which, in conjunction with the new regulations, should bring
the state of the military fuel crisis to an end. If any solution can
be implemented regarding this dilemma then Domino is the one who will
achieve it. |
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Vice-Chairman Vice-Chairman:
Name: Navy
Rank: Home
System: Ship: Elite
Rating: Medals: |
The R3 Corporation takes great pleasure in introducing Rear-Admiral Chris Hutch. He comes from the high-tech system of Vega (-3,2) where his business & Federal Military careers have impressed even the hardest of sceptics. Hutch started his career as a test pilot for the new class 4 Military drive series of fighter-interceptor class ships. Educated in Alioth (0,5), the academic & educational centre of the universe, he attended Rossyth University where he left, after graduation, to join the Federal Navy. The Hutch Mineral Corporation is part of his family's history (founded & initially headed by Hutch's great-grandfather) as well as being the fourth largest mineral supplier in the entire Federation! 12 years ago as Hutch took an interest in business he quickly acquired a sense of knowledge and suggested making changes in the Corporation's areas of research and transportation. Those changes transformed the Hutch Mineral Corporation into the biggest profit-making Corporation for the next 3 years! Other reforms during this period ensured the Corporation's future as a major player in the financial markets and also as one of the main suppliers to non Governmental and non Military industries within the Federation. Hutch decided, not long ago, to leave his home system of Vega & apply his skills in other areas of business. He has since been working with the L'Eagle Corp of Olympus Village, Mars, Sol (0,0) fame, who are nicknamed the Federations 'legal eagles'. Only a few days after meeting with him it was obvious that he had the qualities, knowledge & commitment which is required for his role as Vice-Chairman. He is, undoubtedly, a most welcome addition to the R3 Corporation's board of Executives. Hutch's responsibilities are for the R3 Corporation's internal interests, both directly for the company & any matters within the Eta Cassiopeian star system. He is the Chairman's right-hand man and liaisons between the C.E.O & the Chairman when required. When the Chairman is not available to deal with certain matters Hutch will be called upon to fulfil that obligation in her place.
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Treasurer Finance: Full
Name: Navy
Rank: Home
System: Ship: Elite
Rating: Medals: |
From the much talked about, but little visited, system of Tau Ceti (0,0) a freight carrier company called Koord Astro-Logistics took the known universe by storm! At the helm was Andy Ironman who's idea it was that cargo and parcel freight collection - transportation and delivery, needed sorting out once and for all! "It took a week to get a package from Sol (0,0) to Tau Ceti (0,0) and that is just ridiculous!" Ironman commented. So, with a plan in mind he set off for the Imperial system of Cemiess (-2,-2) and three weeks later he came back with a Falcon Imperial fighter (which he had somehow appropriated) in order to have a fast ship to deliver parcels to all the Federal Core systems. This was a massive success in a relatively short space of time and Koord were able to buy more ships and hire more pilots to carry out more work, The business very quickly expanded into neighbouring systems and then their neighbour and then their neighbour... and so on, and so on. The business had been running for 8 years and had expanded dramatically, moving its H.Q. to Bernards Star System (0,0), when The Foam Metals Corporation offered an open contract which Koord ingeniously signed and secured for the next 30 years! That contract is still in effect today. As Treasurer of the R3 Corporation Ironman is responsible in dealing with the corporations finances. He formulates overall financial strategy and handles all the corporations financial affairs... down to the last credit! Ironman's Military career is mysterious. He holds the rank of Commodore but is not assigned to any known Federal Unit or Corp. It was suggested that Covert Operations is Captain Ironman's speciality, to which he replied, "Hey! If you were stranded on an isolated, burning-hot Imperial moon for 6 months with nothing to eat but dry insects, you'd have eyes like mine... but I survived, I am stronger than that!" (see portrait for verification) Ironman has often been ridiculed by the media as being 'high in self-esteem, low in intelligence' but then he was the one who went to such great lengths to start up a well respected & highly profitable business, not them! Background: |
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Secretary Administration: Full
Name: Navy
Rank: Home
System: Ship: Elite
Rating: Medals: |
Phil Raqoon oversees all administration within the R3 Corporation. His responsibilities include organising appointments, schedules & meetings for all the executives & directors as well as creating & maintaining records regarding all Corporation activities. Phil's appointment as Executive Corporate Secretary brings with it the extra responsibility of dealing with Public Relations, which means you'll probably be hearing & seeing a lot of him on the comm-links in Eta Cassiopeia from now on. His knowledge & experience involving Online Media is most impressive & we regard him as one of the most qualified Commanders in his field. Phil is also a well decorated Military Officer although his Naval career, after gaining promotion to Major (junior officer), has been a very 'up & down' affair. Raqoon once made it to the rank of Admiral and was awarded the Frontier Medal by the President of the Federation himself - during the ceremony, just as the President was about to pin the Medal on Raqoon's chest, Raqoon told the President, "Gold's not my thing... Do you do that one in titanium?" He was busted down to Corporal faster than the congregation could gasp in amazement! At yet another decoration ceremony, being awarded the Purple Omega by Admiral J D Bentley, he told him, "Your wife may have a big backside... but she makes one HELL of a breakfast in the morning!" The list goes on & on & on... such is Raqoon's attitude to his superiors throughout life. After his last demotion it was considered by the Admiralty to be beneficial to both himself and the integrity of the Federal Navy that he take a more 'back-seat' role in future operations and was therefore transferred to the F.I.B (Federal Intelligence Bureau) which was, and still is, under Admiral M D Miketan's command. Phil Raqoon's attitude to success is, and I quote, "Not bothered about being praised for what I've done or gaining any recognition from it... I'm just interested in getting the job done so I can move on to the next!" Having an Executive Corporate Secretary with such a high profile & broad public appreciation is certainly an added bonus, but we know there wasn't a better suited Commander for the job. Background: |
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The fool sees not the
that a wise man sees!