Controls : Javanoid supports both mouse and keyboard control. Keys are : Left & right to move the paddle, space or ctrl to launch the ball or shoot, N for new game, P to pause/resume the game, S to toggle sound on/off, U to change ball direction and 1 to 9 to change game speed (slowest fo fastest, default is 5). If keys don't work, click on the game to give it the focus.
The game : Javanoid is a twelve levels breakout game. The gray blocks must be hit three times, and the gold ones can't be destroyed. The blue pill gives you three balls, the red pill a shooting paddle, the green pill a sticky paddle, the yellow pill a larger paddle and the gray pill a smaller paddle. The orange pill either give you an extra ball, make balls go through the bricks or add a bonus to your score. For further information on this game, please have a look at